My Startup Story: Dr. William Cao, CEO @ Gracell (NASDAQ: GRCL) 我的创业故事: 专访亘喜生物CEO曹卫博士

7:00 pm 开场介绍 Welcome and Opening
7:05 pm 炉边对话:专访亘喜生物(NASDAQ: GRCL)创始人、董事长兼CEO曹卫博士
Fireside chat with Dr. William Cao, Founder, Chairman and CEO @ Gracell (NASDAQ: GRCL)
7:45 pm 观众问答 Q&A
8:00 pm 活动结束 The end
About Gracell:
Gracell Biotechnologies Inc. ("Gracell") is a global clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering and developing breakthrough cell therapies. Leveraging its pioneering FasTCAR and TruUCAR technology platforms, Gracell is developing a rich clinical-stage pipeline of multiple autologous and allogeneic product candidates with the potential to overcome major industry challenges that persist with conventional CAR-T therapies, including lengthy manufacturing time, suboptimal production quality, high therapy cost and lack of effective CAR-T therapies for solid tumors. For more information on Gracell, please visit Follow @GracellBio on LinkedIn.
About JJLake Business Center:
JJLake Business Center is the innovative space that enables entrepreneurs. We are located in both Mountain View, Silicon Valley, and Cambridge, Boston. We aim to foster innovation and growth through community events, investment partner collaborations and global market access. We provide fundraising consulting and business development services to entrepreneurs. So far, we have established a community of thousands of entrepreneurs, and have successfully built up the relationship with hundreds of investment institutions.