ACCESS CHINA Autumn Partnering Day

We cordially invite you to join our “ACCESS CHINA Forum - Autumn Partnering Day | 15th China Pharma & Medtech BD Summit” to be held online and offline in Qingdao, China on September 24th-25th. This year’s Qingdao Forum expects to have over 500 BDs from top pharma companies and VCs participating on site and more companies will join virtually online.
Click here view invitation in PDF.
ACCESS CHINA events offer companies corporate access through our proprietary platform, which covers 2,000+ BD directors and executives from Chinese biopharma, healthcare, and investment firms. Presenting and participation are FREE-OF-CHARGE.
China Pharma & Medtech BD Summit is an annually grand event organized for BDs from top pharma companies operating in China to gather and socialize. The event has become an influential forum within China's Pharma and MedTech sector after hosting it consecutively for the past 15 years.
As part of the 15th China Pharma & Medtech BD Summit , ACCESS CHINA Autumn Forum will help western biopharma companies efficiently present their assets not only online but also in front of 500+ healthcare companies and VCs on site. During the event, audiences can have access to innovative biopharma and healthcare products from China, Europe, US & Asia.
We look forward to welcoming you at our Autumn event in Qingdao and online!
ACCESS CHINA Forum Organizing Committee
About 15th China Pharma and MedTech BD Summit
The 15th China Pharma and MedTech BD Summit (Qingdao, Sept. 24-25, 2020) is a grand event for business development within the comprehensive healthcare industry. The event has become an influential forum within China's Pharma and MedTech sector after hosting it consecutively for the past 15 years. The BD Summit is a place where elites in various fields of pharma business development will be gathered, new thoughts will be emerged as well as transactions.
The Event is organized by CHBD, which is a leading non-profit organization of BDs from top pharma companies operating in China. With about 1,000 active members from the pharma industry, CHBD organizes different events throughout the year to help the communications of pharma BDers.